Museum of Greek Folk Musical Instruments

Diogenous 3, Athina 105 56, Greece
Category : MUSEUMS
Location : ATHENS

The Museum of Greek Folk Musical Instruments-Centre for Ethnomusicology inaugurated on June 6, 1991 and is a public entity supervised by the Ministry of Culture.
It is based on collection of 1200 Greek folk musical instruments from the 18th century to the present day, wrist 40 years research and study of musicologist Phoebus Anoyanakis.
In 1978 Phoebus Anoyianakis donated his collection to the Greek government and supervision began the work of setting up the museum, housed in a 1840s former mansion in Plaka (house Lassani)
next to the Roman market. The organization and completion of the Museum originally worked the Museum of Greek Folk Art and then the Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation B. Papantoniou and the Greek Society Folklore Museology.
The architect Kostis Adamopoulos formed the main building in the exhibition hall, which also houses the reception , address, the secretariat and the library of the Museum. The old stables of the manor house the Centre for Research and files, storage areas, a conference room (for 80 people) and the Museum where books are available, disks and musical instruments. REPORT exhibits about half bodies collecting Anoyanakis with criterion not only the aesthetics and decoration, but especially the ethnological and musicological interest The other institutions are available to researchers and are material for the traveling exhibition of the Museum, touring in Greece and abroad, or for exhibitions of special interest. The report covers three floors and includes four sections, as there are families of musical instruments that distinguishes the ethnomusicology, based material which vibrates to give the sound: a) percussion, b) aerophones, c) a chord and d) idiophone. The presentation made by instrumentalist types, shop windows of crystal, with special bases made of plexiglass and bilingual (Greek – English) explanations. In each showcase a special acoustic system with musical examples showing the sound area music, playing techniques and combinations musical instruments set forth therein. In parallel, efforts are made to place the institutions in place and time and connect with manufacturers and musicians who use them through audiovisual material that refers to customs and rituals where the traditional triptych dominates: ratio-music-dance. OBJECTIVES The objectives Museum and Research Center, as mentioned in the founding law, are: 1. The collection, preservation and exhibition of folk musical instruments and generally any useful material for research, study and promotion of Greek folk music tradition. 2. The promotion of research and study on issues of ethnomusicology, as well as documentation and dissemination of traditional music. 3. The rescue, study, promotion and dissemination of Greek folk and Byzantine musical tradition, both in Greek and in the international arena by any appropriate means. 4. Creating special ethnomusicological library and audiovisual library.

Tuesday to Sunday 08: 00-15: 00
Monday Closed

Free entrance

Diogenous 1-3, Plaka, 105 56 Athens Phone: +30 210 3250198, 3254119, 3254129 Fax: +30 210 3250198 Secretariat: Freedom Ask

The Museum of Greek Folk Musical Instruments-Centre for Ethnomusicology inaugurated on June 6, 1991 and is a public entity supervised by the Ministry of Culture.
It is based on collection of 1200 Greek folk musical instruments from the 18th century to the present day, wrist 40 years research and study of musicologist Phoebus Anoyanakis.
In 1978 Phoebus Anoyianakis donated his collection to the Greek government and supervision began the work of setting up the museum, housed in a 1840s former mansion in Plaka (house Lassani)
next to the Roman market. The organization and completion of the Museum originally worked the Museum of Greek Folk Art and then the Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation B. Papantoniou and the Greek Society Folklore Museology.
The architect Kostis Adamopoulos formed the main building in the exhibition hall, which also houses the reception , address, the secretariat and the library of the Museum. The old stables of the manor house the Centre for Research and files, storage areas, a conference room (for 80 people) and the Museum where books are available, disks and musical instruments. REPORT exhibits about half bodies collecting Anoyanakis with criterion not only the aesthetics and decoration, but especially the ethnological and musicological interest The other institutions are available to researchers and are material for the traveling exhibition of the Museum, touring in Greece and abroad, or for exhibitions of special interest. The report covers three floors and includes four sections, as there are families of musical instruments that distinguishes the ethnomusicology, based material which vibrates to give the sound: a) percussion, b) aerophones, c) a chord and d) idiophone. The presentation made by instrumentalist types, shop windows of crystal, with special bases made of plexiglass and bilingual (Greek – English) explanations. In each showcase a special acoustic system with musical examples showing the sound area music, playing techniques and combinations musical instruments set forth therein. In parallel, efforts are made to place the institutions in place and time and connect with manufacturers and musicians who use them through audiovisual material that refers to customs and rituals where the traditional triptych dominates: ratio-music-dance. OBJECTIVES The objectives Museum and Research Center, as mentioned in the founding law, are: 1. The collection, preservation and exhibition of folk musical instruments and generally any useful material for research, study and promotion of Greek folk music tradition. 2. The promotion of research and study on issues of ethnomusicology, as well as documentation and dissemination of traditional music. 3. The rescue, study, promotion and dissemination of Greek folk and Byzantine musical tradition, both in Greek and in the international arena by any appropriate means. 4. Creating special ethnomusicological library and audiovisual library.

Tuesday to Sunday 08: 00-15: 00
Monday Closed

Free entrance

Diogenous 1-3, Plaka, 105 56 Athens Phone: +30 210 3250198, 3254119, 3254129 Fax: +30 210 3250198 Secretariat: Freedom Ask

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