Finikia 847 02, GreeceJust a breath away from Oia you will find the village of Foinikia, a Mediterranean touch in the middle of rocks. Terraces and courtyards, where the figs and grapes of the region are being sundried and the reconstructed traditional canaves form the point of reference for the colorful village. the courtyard of Saint Matrona with the characteristic palm tree and magnificent view also constitutes a signature spot of Foinikia.
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Just a breath away from Oia you will find the village of Foinikia, a Mediterranean touch in the middle of rocks. Terraces and courtyards, where the figs and grapes of the region are being sundried and the reconstructed traditional canaves form the point of reference for the colorful village. the courtyard of Saint Matrona with the characteristic palm tree and magnificent view also constitutes a signature spot of Foinikia.