
GAVRIO ANDROS, Gavrio 845 01, Greece
Category : SERVICES
Location : ANDROS

The company operates in the car rental industry in Andros island and coordinates with the top vehicle rental company in Greece, Avance. Company’s fleet is modern and comprises of a complete range of vehicles, aiming at fulfilling visitor’s needs.

Avance’s Offices in Andros are located right on the port of Gavrio, the main port of Andros, a short walk from the docks, allowing easy drop off/pick up of our cars directly at the port, allowing visitors to switch comfortably from the ship to car, and vice versa.

Telephone: (+30) 22820 29030, (+30) 6947996830


E-mail: rental.andros@gmail.com

The company operates in the car rental industry in Andros island and coordinates with the top vehicle rental company in Greece, Avance. Company’s fleet is modern and comprises of a complete range of vehicles, aiming at fulfilling visitor’s needs.

Avance’s Offices in Andros are located right on the port of Gavrio, the main port of Andros, a short walk from the docks, allowing easy drop off/pick up of our cars directly at the port, allowing visitors to switch comfortably from the ship to car, and vice versa.

Telephone: (+30) 22820 29030, (+30) 6947996830


E-mail: rental.andros@gmail.com

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